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What experiences are helping to boost you now in these times of COVID and the year of 2020? Is this different than what supported you pre-COVID/2020?
This week we have some resources for you to help boost your body, mind and spirit when you need it, because we all need a little boost every now and then, right? I know I sure do!
This has been the go-to booster for me and what I am including more of when I teach. Getting the heart pumping, the cells activated, and the stress and tension dispersed. It is amazing what short bursts of shaking, bouncing, twisting and swaying can do for the body, mind and soul. Try it out with me this week. Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday morning.
Looking for a weekly dose of mindfulness and whole self health inspiration? Check out our weekly column in the Journal of the San Juans. Get your printed edition on island or check it out online. Click here to read the latest edition, our column is on page 3.
Are you on Instagram or Facebook? Are you following us? We are showing up every day in our “stories” on these two platforms as part of a 30 day endeavor. We are answering one question a day. Come learn more about us, ALTAR, and what the community is sharing. Instagram. Facebook.
Times are intense! Yes, we are all feeling it. A friend shared this on FB the other day, a 24 hr. mental health helpline 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Please spread the word if you know anyone who could use access to this number. Thank you!
The sun, the trees, the water, the earth, the clean air. All medicine for every part of ourselves. Encouraging you to schedule more outside time this week. Can you walk and talk on the phone? Can you take your laptop outside for 15-20 minutes while working? What about taking your lunch outside and extra booster bonus, leave your cell phone inside!
Also, combine some sweet socially distanced community connection time and movement this week with us! Below, check out this week’s movement in the orchard class schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Sign-up for all outside and livestream classes here.