
January 2023 | Baja

Jan 22, 2023 | Blog

Hola Mis Amigos!

The quick VL update:  

  • We are in Baja California Sur.
  • Towns we have camped in so far: Valle de Guadalupe, South of San Felipe in the Gulf of California, Guerrero Negro, South of Mulege at Playa El Burro, Ciudad Constitucion.
  • We are all in good health, including Rusty.
  • Within the first 5 minutes in Mexico we broke our #1 rule, scroll down for the story.
  • RETREATS are filling up! Click here. 
  • Live classes and class replays continue. Join a live class or receive a replay link, scroll to the bottom to learn more.

With love, Heather

Story Time  

We drove into Baja with Rusty. The adventure we set out to do is happening about a month later than expected. But, we are here and loving it so far. 

If you have been following the journey you know we have had our fair share of trials and tribulations. It has felt like we have been on a battlefield of sorts. From Rusty’s various illnesses to getting on each others nerves and working full time, we have been ready for some peace and sunshine. 

The first 2 hours in Mexico had a different plan for us. It was like life needed to send us just 1 more elbow to the gut before the reward could take place. 

One of our top “rules” as were entering the country was to not leave Rusty and the dogs out of our eye site. Now, we feel a bit silly creating this rule. But, we were being extra cautious because that is what you do when you are planning to drive into Mexico for the 1st time. 

June 13th arrives and we were feeling good and confident as we arrived to the El Chaparral border crossing, We had our plan in place for what building we needed to look for in order to park and pick-up our FMM tourist visa card. Then life happened.

We pulled up to the line we thought we needed to get into. The dogs were doing their normal nervous whines and barks as the security guard waved us over to be inspected. The inspection was fast, really just a quick glance and we were back in the car. A bit of panic was in the air now because we had a matter of seconds to look around and locate the parking area we needed to get to.

Fail! No parking area in site but we had to get moving. As we drove all the choice words were flying because Rusty and the mass sea of cars were heading straight into Mexico without our FMM paperwork. 

We decided to pull over where we definitely should not have been to take a breather and figure out what the heck to do next.

Over the last few months leading up to this drive into Baja we had been learning from others who have done this before us. We saw one scenario where the couple decided to drive across town to the other border crossing to drive back into the states and do the whole thing all over again. We said “NOPE, we are not going to do that.” We thought there had to be another way beyond waiting in a 3 hour line to come back and repeat. 

The story continues with lots of hand gestures, broken Spanish speaking to many officers and briskly walking/running through Tijuana to the other boarder crossing to find ourselves in the concrete white office of an immigration officer “angel” who decided to be nice that day and help a couple gringos out. 

All that to say, we left Rusty and the dogs behind, far far away from our site for almost two hours in Tijuana. We broke our rule and happy that we did! We got into Mexico all in one piece. 
Sometimes you just have the break the rules, right!!  : ) 

Join me TUESDAYS + WEDNESDAYS. LIVE classes or receive the REPLAY.

Tuesday. 8am pST. Flow based Movement.
Wednesday. 10am pST. Chair Yoga 


How it works:

  • Send your donation using one of the above methods. Click for Paypal and Venmo above. 
  • Receive a Zoom link for the live class or link for the replay to your inbox or as a text message 
  • Have a mat and whatever props you have at home ready for class. 
  • Reply back with any questions.