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Livestream classes from Mexico continue, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
With love, Heather
Story Time
Valle de Guadalupe (Guadalupe Valley) is northeast of Ensenada by about 45 minutes. This region of Baja is known as the wine country of Baja and La Cetto is one of the oldest and largest wineries in the region. We are members of an organization called Boondockers Welcome/Harvest Hosts. This organization connects RV and Van Life folks with businesses and people that are willing to host stays on their land. It is a pretty rad membership, check it out if you travel by van or RV. We found La Cetto through our membership and decided that we would camp there for our first night in Baja.
Instead of driving straight to La Cetto which would have saved us a few hours, we decided that we needed to drive into Ensenada for the infamous Tacos Fenix. We heard that these were the BEST fish and shrimp (pescado y cameron) tacos in Baja so we needed to go see for ourselves. And, if you read last weeks newsletter, you know at this point we were feeling like the best tacos in Baja were well deserved after what we went through in Tijuana. Plus, we needed to visit a Telcel store to figure out our phone situation.
SIDE NOTE, we have not used our telcel SIM card once since being here. Between our cell phone providers and Star-link, we have been covered whenever we needed to be. This has been an amazing blessing for work and planning whats next.
We heard that Valle de Guadalupe is one of the hot/hip/trendy spots to be in Baja for the incredible wines/wineries and restaurants. Although we did not get to a fancy restaurant the one night that we were there, we did enjoy a tasting and a quiet camp spot at La Cetto Winery.
Next time that you are at Bakery San Juan on SJI, buy a bottle of any of the LA CETTO wines they have in stock. Tell them we sent you : ) You will not be disappointed. We especially loved the Viognier.
Valle de Guadalupe is a site to see. Rolling hills, beautiful airbnb’s scattered throughout the vineyard and farm scenes, descent roads to drive on and even some cute coffee shops for the AM hours before embarking on a horseback ride or enjoying a leisurely walk through the valley.
End note, spending a long weekend in this little gem of Baja would be well worth it!!
More to come each week on travels in Baja, van-life and life lessons. Thanks for being here and following the journey.