
March 2023 | La Paz – Los Barilles

Mar 12, 2023 | Blog

The quick VL update:  

  • We are currently camped on a beach south of Cerritos. 
  • We had dinner in Todos Santos with another fabulous couple from SJI: Janie + Paul. 💕
  • Rusty is behaving herself and doing great! 
  • The whales are here too, but they are mostly swimming by quietly. We see a blow spout every once in awhile.
  • Following the travel journey? Scroll down: How having no physical space tests your relationship and how we are getting through the difficult moments.
  • I leave Thursday to facilitate my first retreat of 2023 on mainland Mexico!! Peter will stay in Baja with Pups and Rusty. 

With love, Heather

Story Time  

We were ready to leave La Paz after three weeks of “Air-BnBing” it. There were moments while getting into our La Paz groove where we would look at each other and express how we missed our home. Home is Rusty for now and it is amazing to me how the feeling of home is visceral, a deep inward feeling of longing for what is familiar and safe. 

Although we were ready to move onto the next town in Baja, we were not ready to leave the 120 peso, multiple fish taco meals we had been enjoying regularly. (Now, weeks later we still have not come across any fish taco stand that is as delicious and inexpensive. Stay tuned, we are on the hunt.)

The ending of our time in La Paz also gifted us something that is now novel in VL, one night apart from each other!! Peter and I have spent all but 4 days of the last 6 months together!! Waking, Brushing teeth, Eating, Working, Walking, Talking, Sleeping, Dreaming, you name it!

The gift of one night apart manifested because of our commitment to meet friends in Los Barriles. Rusty was still not out of the shoppe and the day was fast approaching when our friends Erin + Timmy were arriving from mainland Mexico. We decided that Jaiya and I would take a taxi down to Los Barilles while Peter and Roscoe waited in La Paz for one more night.

Los Barilles was a blast! The week we were there happened to be the same week that mid-winter break was happening on SJI. So, there were 17 of us scooting around town together, so fun!

A little talk about SPACE on the road:

We love adventuring and living life together, so even when opportunities have presented themselves to do our own thing, we often choose to go together. Plus, it logistically makes the most sense to go together as well as, at times, for safety. 

As the months pass of living in 16 square feet together, we are finally getting more savvy with finding space to ourselves. It also helps that there are now miles and miles of beach to walk along. So, solo walks and solo beach reading/writing/meditating spots are the current jam when we need some “me” time. 

Having no space tests the nerves, BIG TIME!!  We just came off a few days of being snippy with one another. I had to get quiet for a day. It was uncomfortable for the both of us. But, getting quiet, taking more space for a day and having one comfortable day where we gave into the feels was helpful. I didn’t know it would be as helpful as it ended up being. I woke up in a much lighter mood. We were able to move past the funk together. 

Ultimately, right now, we know we need physical space from another. So, the timing of my retreat over in mainland Mexico is perfect. Peter and I both crave solo time and we are figuring out day by day how to maintain our sovereignty within a fabulous loving relationship.

We learn through challenging situations, VL has been and continues to be a deep dive in being a better communicator, listener and BEING in life. 

Thank you for following the journey!! If you have read this far, reply back: What are you loving about life right now?