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Today I was walking in Ballard with a dear friend from the island and this little cutie, Levi, (pictured right) was sitting at his Art Sale table with this sweetest smile on his face. He showed us his art and told us how much each one cost. Levi had on this amazing home-made tool belt filled with a magnify glass, flashlight, small radio clock and more. I bought the picture he is holding for $2, a smashing deal because the others were priced at $10. The joy it brought him to receive those $2 put huge smiles on both of our faces.
I am savoring these precious moments a little more these days because as of the last few weeks, preparing for life on the road has been filled with obstacle after obstacle. One day it’s me who is completely overwhelmed and a puddle of tears, the next Peter has a van project go completely side ways. Luckily, the one who is challenged is bouncing back and forth between us so at least one of us can be the rock while the other is dealing. That is a win.
When a sense of flow is not happening I start to question. Is this it? Should we course shift? What am I missing? Is this the “right” path, should we keep trying? In the past I veered towards panic and flight when something was off and flow and ease were not happening consistently.
And, I have learned to instead lean into checking in with myself, what am I feeling in my body? What is my gut speaking to me. Where is the fear, overwhelm, anxiety coming from? What messages are filtering in? What words and affirmative signs or messages are in my awareness? Today, these words were brought to my attention from another most fabulous friend and inspirational being in my life: PROBLEMS lead to INNOVATION.
My takeaway from this, obstacles do not always mean a course shift or saying no to something. Obstacles, problems and/or challenges can lead to innovation, new ways of thinking and possibly something even more amazing then we could have thought to begin with. Perhaps there is something in these words for you. If so, I would invite you to share with a trusted friend.
Today marks our 17 day countdown to life on the road. I will be back with more updates as we near the end of August, thank you for being here and reading. This is the only way to stay up to date with our happenings because social media is still not an inspiring place for me to be spending my time. I hope to see many of you online via live classes and in our ALTAR digital member text thread as well. That is another great way to stay current with me. Fall is right around the corner, a new beginning of sorts to reignite supportive routines for body, mind, soul. See how to be supported in that below.
Practicing with you always. With love and gratitude,