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“A sacred pause,” is what I called the last five days. All the parts of me had this consistent message to share, “pause please.” Almost every conversation, book I picked up and email I read had this same theme running, “time for a pause.”
Have you taken an intentional pause during quarantine?
An intentional pause:: A time of not having to-do anything except follow your natural rhythms.
Inspired by the practice of instinctual meditation that I have been practicing for the last almost 4 years and now teaching since the end of 2019, I decided to say “Yes” to this rhythmic call for a sacred pause.
Waking up each morning without having to be anywhere at any particular time felt like a huge luxury. I was inspired to get caught up with all my training material for both my instinctual meditation teacher training and my movement training with Kathryn Bruni Young and guest teachers (get ready for some variations in our movements practices over the coming months). I gardened. I started my jogging practice again. I took many short pauses throughout the day to simply notice what was around me. I made lots of yummy food with my new family in our new sweet home. I watched flowers bloom. And, I connected with friends, enjoying the depths of soul connected conversations that were so so missing over the last few months while trying to keep up with all things to keep ALTAR humming during these challenging times.
Curiosity is what I arrive with today and as a practice everyday. Curious what is to come in the next few months for our community and the world, how ALTAR will continue to evolve through this pandemic, and, of course, my own growth as a teacher and facilitator.
Curiosity, Awe and Wonder are the three qualities I am consistently being asked to embody through the teachings and practices of instinctive meditation. I invite all who enter the “classroom” of life, movement and meditation practice with me to create their own relationship with these words. To see what in their daily lived experience can be shifted from embodying these words themselves. I have noticed for myself the anxiety that used to be so consistent within me has been subdued. I am able to ride the wave of the anxiety and then land back in a place of “okay-ness” with ease and grace. Instead of looking out at the world or my to-do list with a sense of heightened urgency, I instead, look up and invite my mind to stay curious about all the possibilities of how something might turn out. From this inquiry, I am able to remember what is helpful and useful and the rest naturally fades away.
Now, back to you. Today, I invite you to explore staying curious. When someone acts in a certain way, can you stay curious as to why rather than jump to a conclusion. When a decision is not clear, can you stay curious about all the possibilities of how and when the clarity will arrive?
Now to some biz talk…
As San Juan County opens into Phase two, ALTAR will remained closed for in-person classes. We are more concerned about your health and well-being then opening pre-maturely with masks and gloves. We will continue to offer live stream classes daily with updates for June schedule coming soon. Stay tuned. And, we will continue to update you here, via our newsletter, as to when we will be back to in-person classes. (Please share your feedback with us, below)
If you are curious how to support ALTAR now, please see some ideas below. We are showing up and yes it is challenging at times. When you all show up with us, it makes it all worth it. I know we are all living 1 week or 1 day at time. A blessing in some ways and so hard at times. I believe so deeply in what we offer through ALTAR, what ALTAR represents in the community and all we are exploring together. So, we thank you for being here, showing up and sharing the love. We will continue together..