
Sliding Scale Options

Apr 22, 2020 | Blog

:: Wonderful community ::

It has been a few weeks since we last checked in. We send this email with much gratitude for you ALL. I can confidently say there are hundreds of thousands of movement classes being offered weekly online. You choosing to practice with us at ALTAR is recognized and appreciated. We love what we do. We feel honored to have the opportunity to come into your home environments and offer the practices and tools we are all passionate about sharing. Thank you for showing up for yourselves, your families and the community in which you live in as a whole. You benefit, your families feel it, your friends notice and the community benefits when you take care of yourself. We are here to support that effort. We acknowledge and celebrate your commitments. Thank you!

This month we roll out new sliding scale membership pricing for online live streaming classes. 

Our sliding scale pricing means you can support our work, while we support you. When you pay a bit more for your membership you are ensuring that we can continue to produce top-notch experiences and resources, while sharing your privilege with someone who needs access to these resources at a lower rate. We have three membership options. $39, $59 or $99 a month for unlimited classes. Included in the $99 membership is the opportunity to receive the recording of the classes you attend!  We trust that you will choose a price point that will honor our efforts while honoring your budget.

:: Sign-up easily using our app ::

1) Start using the app if you are not doing so already. Click here
2) Once in the app. Click “memberships” at the bottom of the screen.
3) View “Live Stream only memberships.” 
4) Choose your options
5) Sign-up for classes at least 15 minutes before class start time in order to receive class details and zoom link. 
6) You will receive 1 confirmation email saying you are signed up for the class. Then, you will receive a 2nd email 30-45 minutes before class with zoom and class details. 
7) Thank you!
8) Questions? Check out our FAQs tab on our website. 

We believe that movement, pausing, being and community are essential right now. We are committed to contributing to your whole self health. We thank you for giving us that opportunity and supporting this work.

With love and gratitude,
Heather and the ALTAR team 💜

P.S. Stay in the know. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Free class announcements and insightful inspirations are shared through these two social channels daily. We hope to see you there. 

P.P.S… see info on fun free classes below…

And, lastly have you noticed we have a new guest teacher on the schedule? Her name is Kim West and she teaches an AMAZING Pilates Fusion class on Tuesday’s at 3pm. Check it out! 


Below, fun ways to learn about using plant medicine every day to enhance your well being and life. Kim West, Maggie Grifo and myself geek out weekly on all the ways we use plant medicines in our every day health regimens. Have fun learning with us in these two light informative chats.

1) Explore essential oils to support you with anxiety and stress here.

2) In this chat (click here) we talk about skin care, face care and oil cleansing. (ps.. its pretty amazing and chalk full of ways to take care of the precious skin of the face) 

Not all oils are created equal
Unfortunately, most oils on the market have the potential to be harmful for your health. There are a handful of brands that we recommend at Altar. Some we sell, some we do not. Please consult with us if you have questions on where to purchase your oils. We want you to thrive and using essential oils as part of your health regime can help you physically, emotionally and energetically. But, we must use oils that are pure and healthy for ourselves and the planet. 

Want to learn more? Our team has some amazing resources on using these plant medicines to heal the body and thrive. Click here and I will send you the details.