
Summer Lovin

Aug 20, 2018 | Blog

As I write this I am taking in the sights and sensations of the Puget Sound from the ferry. It is the end of July and the early morning fog is just lifting off the water. The ocean has that glistening sheen as the morning sun touches the surface. I am on a journey to take my nephew back to SeaTac and soaking in the last few hours with him. Talk about Summer Lovin ; )

Summer on the San Juans is spectacular! Thousands of people travel from all over the world to come take in the magnificence that is this place. And yet, how many of us who live here actually give ourselves the opportunity to soak in the same majesty? Not enough of us and so I am calling out to those in this community to take some time this week to sink into some summer lovin.

Whether you live where I do or not, let’s take a moment to stop and bask in the warmth of the season and all that it brings.

That feeling of easy summer living has been capturing my attention starting with the simplest action like not having to wear as much clothing. I have been luxuriating in the feeling of having more of my skin exposed to the elements and allowing myself to be nourished and feed in new ways from all the sensations that go along with this simple pleasure.

How about for you? What is one simple act of acknowledgment about the season you are in that can leave you with a feeling of appreciation and love?

Opportunities to Soak in the Summer Season Together:

1) Hike and Mindful Movement in August. See flyer for dates. I am so so excited about this opportunity to explore outside together.

The intention here is learn, explore, and shift our gait patterns while we hike together, to explore helpful awarenesses while walking and talking and then practice some mindful therapeutic movement at the top of Young Hill, ending with the sweetest guided meditation in order to arrive to the rest of the evening and week feeling nourished, from what Katy Bowman refers to as, “Vitamin Nature and Vitamin Community” and I will add Vitamin Mindfulness and Vitamin Movement. : )

When we are aligned well while we walk, stand and move throughout our lives, the rest of the body benefits! Let’s explore why and how together! Take what you learn into all you do.

Please sign-up by email. All three dates $55 or drop-in $25.  Simply reply here. We begin this week, Thursday August 2nd.   6-8:30pm.

2) Group class schedule. Reminder to pretty please check the YOGA page for updates on group class dates in August and September at Island Soul Studios.

3) Think ahead. Fall Movement Workshops. See YOGA page.

Wishing you sweet moments of summer lovin.
With Love and Gratitude,
Heather 💚