
The 5am Ritual continues…..

Mar 7, 2019 | Blog

It is such a gift to hear from you all. I appreciate your responses and delight in knowing that some of you share this affinity for early morning hours.

What I enjoyed about some of the conversations I engaged in about morning rituals was that many of you appreciated the invitation to FIND YOUR OWN WAY. I believe THIS is the most important part of my last blog post and often not talked about enough in the movement or meditation communities. I am here to be a subtle guide that inspires you to get to know YOU more. That is it! Through hearing others experiences, we learn. But, it is important to take that information and thread it into the fabric of our own being and allow it to be distilled down into the parts that will actually work or serve us.

So, keeping all of this in mind as you continue to read what a typical 4:45am wake-up looks like for me as of March 2019.

  • Pre-Alarm rustle. 

My body is now attuned to the 4:45-5am hour. I begin to stir around this time. I look at the clock and snuggle back in with Jaiya until my alarm goes off at 4:45am.

  • Jaiya Scratches 

Snuggle Session with the little nugget for 5 minutes. A few yawns. A few in bed stretches and up I go.

  • Light Candle

I have a special red goddess candle I am currently lighting. I enjoy a long burning candle in the mornings. One that will last me for a few months of morning practice time.

  • Water Kettle On

Start the electric water kettle for herbal tea and coffee

  • Robe on and out into the cold air

It’s still cold here, so I put my super cozy big purple robe on and venture outside with Jaiya to relieve ourselves in the starlit sky. A look up at the stars and thank them for another day. I take a few deep cleansing breaths and call Jaiya back in.

  • Tongue Scrape

I love my copper tongue scraper, seriously one of my favorite morning rituals!!
Take a read here.

  • Coffee and Tea Making time

Decaf for me, I know I know. But, I just love the smell and taste of the stuff.
Herbal Tea brewing for my smoothie liquid. Currently a tulsi and red clover mix.

  • Sit with Coffee 

I have a seat on the floor with my journal and The Radiance Sutras. I see what rises, what pops out at me, what wants to be seen, witnessed and/or observed, where my attention is wanting to settle on or be with.

More….. to come….. on this….. Stay tuned.

Now to you, what do the first 5-10 minutes of waking consist of? I look forward to hearing your responses!!


1) Women’s Wellness Series with Suzi Zobrist has shifted day and time!! Thursday’s at 6pm.See and click the flyer below.
2) Baja Retreat is LIVE and only 4 more early-bird discounts left. SAVE $250!! Read more below.
3) ALTAR’s Grand Opening is happening in April!!
4) Class Schedule for March

With excitement and joy,
Heather ????