
ALTAR, the story part 2

Dec 11, 2018 | Blog

If you missed PART 1 head over to the blog before reading Part 2 below. 

Part 2 begins with a conversation Lisa Guard and I had at the grocery store about 5 years ago. The building she owned on Web Street had recently went through a fire and she was letting me “in” on the plan for what would come next. Within that conversation she also planted the seed that “perhaps I would want to open a yoga studio in her new building.” It all sounded so delightful yet, it was a distant dream as it could be years and years until the building was actually torn down and rebuilt into whatever was to come next. We talked about that and how they had no set plan yet and she asked if I wanted to stay in the loop about the project. I excitingly and willingly said, “Yes.” And, that was that! 

Funny how life works, throughout the next 4 years, Lisa and I would run into each other randomly at the same grocery store. She would share progress which was, for most of those 4 years, little to inexistent. So, I would walk away feeling like it was all such a distant dream. I remember thinking over and over again, if I was supposed to open a studio there, it would happen and I would know when I needed to know and it would be ready when I was ready…. 

Continue below to stay up to date with all that is happening now and I NEED YOUR CLASS REQUESTS!! 
:: Below ::

1) Group Class Dates for December with a SPECIAL SUNDAY End of the Year Practice.

2) MARK YOUR CALENDARS>> January Class Dates. NOTE:: More classes being added, stay tuned. 

3) Online Classes. The first 4 part Video Series is Live. You can download now and have it forever! CLICK HERE.Lastly, I need your help with some feedback programing for ALTAR. Please click the survey button below and answer 6 quick questions, which will only take you 30-40 seconds to complete.THANK YOU FOR YOU FOR YOUR FEEDBACK!!

With DEEP deep gratitude and love,
Heather ????
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