How do I keep this short and sweet, yet share with you what has been rising deep from the well of my heart and womb? I will try my best….
As of late, I have been reflecting upon the year. A invitation from a witchy coven sister of mine allowed me to open to the idea to use Samhain (Halloween) as the mark of a new cycle/new year. I liked the idea and so began that process, slowly. These reflections have been dispersed over this last month, the visuals and lessons continue to rise to the surface.
One major theme that has been present in my own life over this last year and beyond (and perhaps you as well?). I am sensing into, feeling, and reaping the powerful benefits of women coming together in sacred, intentional community and rising.
Over the last few years I have put together several different sister circles and have been invited into online and in person gatherings which have been incredibly life changing and transformative. But still, something has shifted within me and around me. There is a potency that has been building and that I can viscerally feel within the depths of my being.
It’s this feeling that women are
more ready than ever to truly step into their fullest potential by reconnecting with the divine feminine that lives within us all. I see examples of this all around me on social media threads and within the communities I am immersed in. Women coming together, getting raw and vulnerable and calling some big BS on the status quo of how we are seen and interpreted.
Note**I am not trying to get all political on you here, I am just sharing my personal experience on what is shifting around me and what I am observing and ignited about… stay with me.
In my own life, I am feeling more ignited than ever to gather as women, together.
- In order to heal.
- In order to support one another.
- In order to get vulnerable and REAL.
- In order to shed the past stories or betrayal and hurt.
- In order to open our voices and be heard, seen and witnessed.
- In order to open our hearts to ourselves and each other.
- In order to connect deeply with our wombs, (our womb spaces, if your womb has been removed).
- In order to remember our power.
- In order to reconnect with the divine feminine within and around us.
- In order to BE, BREATHE, MOVE, FEEL.
And most importantly in order to open more fully to LOVE.
Who is with me!! Pheww… that got a little passionate there!! hehe..
But, seriously, I am so ignited and inspired and you will see this in all that is coming through me and all I will be sharing in 2018 and beyond.
As I continue to reflect, I recognize many of you have been with me here since I started this blog/newsletter almost three years ago!! Thank you for being here, for allowing me to be a part of your journey and for supporting me in all the ways you do. I am incredibly honored to be able to follow my heart and my passions and share those with you. It is one of my greatest joys to continue to be a conduit for love, peace, and healing.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to living a passionate, pleasurable, deeply connected life!!