Do you agree?
Having a daily routine has always felt easeful for me. The steady security of knowing what is to come and what I need to show up for day in and day out.
While living at an ashram in New Zealand I was shocked to find out that living with a daily routine was one of the hardest parts of integrating into an ashram setting for so many.
We each have those parts of our lives that really ask us to show up in new ways. Those parts, people, and experiences that encourage our personal growth and evolution. For me, this has been learning to be more adaptable and not so attached to my daily routine. And now, I often think of my routines more as my daily rituals which I will continue to talk more about in future musings.
I write this now because I am in the midst of noticing how far I have come in this evolution. How, right now, I am yearning to get back home and into the groove of my daily practices and my morning rituals. And yet, this is not taking away from my experience of being here with my mom, sister, brother-in-law and new baby Nephew Ollie. How I can hold an awareness that yes, I find comfort in being home, settled and in my flow AND I can find ease and curiosity in the moment to moment experience of not knowing exactly how each day will unfold. I am noticing, for me, it is a choice. To choose to allow myself to settle into the unknown and to actually appreciate the space it gives me to wonder and just show up to the experience without being attached to any certain outcomes or have to’s.
I would love to hear your experience with routines or lack thereof. Tell me what challenges you experience while trying to stick to a routine. Do you have daily rituals that are your non-negotiables? How have you learned to be more adaptable?
My Facebook Page is getting a refresh and I would love to have you join me! Community is at the foundation of what inspires me and what I am committed to investing my energy towards. This page is where I will be spending most of my time, sharing daily inspirations, movement practices, ideas for rituals, recipes and more. If you do not already follow this page please do so now and you will not miss a beat.
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And, not to worry if you are not on FB or social media, I completely understand. I will continue to share through my newsletter and blog at least once if not twice a month.
Thank you for being here, following along and being a part of this vibrant community of mindful movers and vibrant souls.
With Joy and Gratitude,
Heather 💜