
:: UPDATE :: All classes are now via LIVE STREAM

Mar 17, 2020 | Blog

Picture:: Cere Demuth



Thank you for showing up for yourself and this community. We would not be here if you did not show up. We thank you and are here to continue to support you in all the ways we know and can in these uncertain times. 

As you are aware Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has issued a statewide mandate on closing restaurants, bars and recreational centers, and thus, we will be temporarily closed for in-person group classes. 

We have shifted all of our classes to LIVE STREAM. Click here for our latest article for step by step instructions on how to easily join us online. If you are interested in live streaming for privates or small group sessions, please contact us.

We are selling our stock of yoga mats and all related props at 30% off in order to help support your at home practice. We are also happy to loan you items to use at home. Please email us to set up a time for pick-up.

We have two options to join us via Live Stream. Sign-up for classes using your current credit pack (this offers more financial support for the teachers and Altar as a whole moving forward, if you are able, please consider this option) or sign-up for our NEW Live Stream Only, one month memberships (for those wanting to continue their practices that could use some financial assistance at this time, we got you, we support you, we are here)There are three options for live stream only memberships. Three tiers of support for ALTAR and our teachers. Open the GloFox app on your mobile device and click “memberships” to sign-up. Click here to follow our step by step instructions to download our app on your mobile device. With this membership you will be able to join unlimited live stream classes for one month.

If you are not able to join us via livestream, we will extend the expiration dates for all credit packs so that you may resume at ALTAR when we return to regular operations. 

We appreciate you all. Thank you to all of you who have offered your gratitude and extra love. These are challenging times for us all and I believe these practices are SOO needed during these times. Please show up for yourselves and this community. I know we will all get this through this together. 

With love and gratitude,
Heather 💜

Click here for step by step instructions to join us via LIVE STREAM. 

Click here to set up your private or small group session. 

Click here to set up a time to purchase or borrow mats and props.